Precaution 1

  • All team members and children will be screened daily upon arrival and again after rest / nap time. Temp >100.4 will be sent home, isolation separate from everybody else.

  • Dreamers Academy will operate with the same group at 100% capacity pursuant to licensing requirements; group size is limited to 10 including teachers.

  • Dreamers Academy will post signs on the front of the daycare door for anybody with symptoms of illness, including respiratory infection not to enter.

  • We will be providing 2 face shields per-team member. We will also provide face masks for the staff.

  • Families must provide 2 cloth face masks for each of their children (ages 2 and up) and they must be breathable. 1 for entering / exiting and 1 during operation hours and to be left at the center.

  • Team members and children must have an extra pair of shoes. 1 to be worn for entering / exiting the daycare and 1 to be worn during operation hours and they must be left at the center.

  • We are restricting access from all parents / guardians / visitors / guests. 1 parent / guardian per drop-off and pick-up.

  • All Dreamers Academy teachers are tested regularly to make sure they aren’t bring the virus into the center.

Precaution 2

Dreamers Academy is equip with 2 Energy recovery ventilation (ERV) System which is an energy recovery process in a commercial HVAC systems that exchanges the energy contained in normally exhausted air of a building or conditioned space, using it to treat (precondition) the incoming outdoor ventilation air. The System pulls in clean air and pushes out used air.

During the warmer seasons, an ERV system pre-cools and dehumidifies; During cooler seasons the system humidifies and pre-heats. An ERV system helps HVAC design meet ventilation and energy standards (e.g., ASHRAE, improves indoor air quality and reduces total HVAC equipment capacity, thereby reducing energy consumption.

Precaution 3

• Dreamers Academy will continue to have hand sanitizer at the reception area and require parents / guardians / children to use upon arrival.

• Enforcing our hand washing policy for everyone entering the classrooms - teachers will stand next to children as they wash hands to ensure use of enough soap and washing at least 20 seconds.

• We will disinfect the entry area after every arrival and departure of each family.

• Continual cleaning of surfaces will take place along with an increase of sanitizing all common areas, but not limited to door handles, sinks, iPads, check-in stations every hour or after every use.

• All bedding will be washed as scheduled or prior to schedule for sanitization purposes.

• Children will practice social distancing as much as possible, reassuring spacing during nap / rest time.

• CDC handwashing guidelines will be posted throughout the center. Handwashing will be required at every arrival and several times throughout the day for the team members.